22 September, 2013

Harbinger of Things to Come


noun: harbinger; plural noun: harbingers
1.a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.
"witch hazels are the harbingers of spring"
synonyms: herald, sign, indication, signal, portent, omen, augury, forewarning, presage;

Baby seals are suffering from radiation.
70% of the seals in California have died this way now.  It is a harbinger of what mankind has to look forward to.
No, this isn't alarmist.  If anything the world is yawning when it should be on full alert.
Mankind had better wake up quickly as human mortality rates are climbing as well.

"How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of the whole field wither? For the wickedness of them that dwell therein, the beasts are consumed, and the birds."

Note that it is 'wickedness' not just some little inconvenience or annoyance. It reflects on the spiritual state of humanity.

18 September, 2013

Fukushima and the Economy

The 2nd of 2 posts for Wednesday

Fukushima, the little plant that keeps on giving will be causing an economic nightmare in the very near future.
As highly radioactive waste and groundwater flow into the Pacific daily foods produced in areas effected will take a big hit. It won't be long until people realize that the foods from the west coast are radioactive and unfit for consumption. The resulting economic hit will be substantial, especially in the US and Japanese economies.

Wall Street is paying serious attention to Fukushima, the disaster that isn't over yet and is getting worse by the day.
"Bottom line: Cautious investors should be paying close attention to the latest scientific data concerning the ongoing risks posed by the continuing radiation leakage from Fukushima because the economic consequences could become even more tragic than they currently seem."
( from John Blume of Wall Street Sector Selector's article "Will Investors Fear the X Factor in Fukushima ")

As if this isn't enough, Hawaiian waters will be going nuclear in 2015 say the senior scientist of Union of
Concerned Scientists’ Global Security Program Dr. Edwin Lyman.
The Fukushima plume, the main one, will hit the western US and Hawaii by early 2014 actually.
While the ocean water might be somewhat okay now, by 2015 Hawaii's waters will be contaminated with radiation and unsafe for swimming .   This is all because of Fukushima.
It is time to shut down nuclear plants until we know how to handle them safely and until they are refitted and modernized with safety features because plants are aging badly now.
 There is no way to get at the molten masses that are glowing with radioactivity.  Unless they are contained things will just keep getting worse for the world.
Every solution so far has proven futile or will worsen the situation.  Ice was considered but it will weaken the ground causing buildings to collapse, so it is useless now.

Now a crack has been found in the stacks 200 feet above the ground and they may be more difficult to deal with than the ground water!  Already it has released a high radiation dose to the area.
I will keep you updated on this.

03 September, 2013

Contamination of the Pacific

Pacific means peaceful.
Hawaiian beach

adjective: pacific; adjective: Pacific
1. peaceful in character or intent.
"a pacific gesture"
synonyms: peace-loving, peaceable, pacifist, nonviolent, nonaggressive, nonbelligerent, unwarlike, antiwar

How sad that an ocean so named may have a violent and ugly death because of man's inability to recognize his own limitations.
It comes at a time when peace is indeed being removed from the earth ever increasingly.

The biggest concern of nuclear scientists is the destruction of a large part of the Pacific Ocean due to the massive amounts of radiation leaking into it from Fukushima. There is no end in sight as the problem of Fukushima will continue for at least another 100 years according to seasoned nuclear experts like Imad Khadduri.
Russia simply buried Chernobyl after it caused havoc and the death of a million people but Fukushima cannot be so easily controlled at all.

He outlined the scenario if another earthquake strikes.    
Earthquakes and Japan are no strangers.
He is not alone in this view as his outline is echoed by nuclear experts around the world.

Khadduri: Well if there is another earthquake the serious one 6, 7, 8, or 9 magnitude, that would rattle all these tanks — 1,060 tanks — it would rattle the damaged cores, spent fuel whose structures have already weakened, yes that’s a potential very, very serious threat if another strong earthquake hits the same area again.

Host: It looks like foreign help is being invited now to come and deal with this. Will that at all speed up your very scary timeline of 40-100 years?

Khadduri: […] they are facing a huge problem — difficult, a very difficult problem to solve and I don’t know how much bright new ideas they might throw in, it’s yet unknown.

Host: Scary situation.

Khadduri: Yes.