21 July, 2016

Good Ole' Boy Network

The good ole boy network is real and swings into action circling the wagons whenever a woman complains about harassment. She is always wrong, always making things up. It simply cannot be any other way because, well, she's a woman.
Despite 20 women backing up her story, she is still wrong.
Despite allegations that he was doing this back in his days on The Mike Douglas Show in the 1960's.

Roger Stone now gallops to the rescue of Roger Ailes the Fox CEO accused of sexual harassment by Gretchen Carlson. Of course he has no clue as to whether or not the charges are real or not but as a guy he just assumes they are false because another guy is being held accountable.
We can't have that especially if Ailes seems to be on your side of the aisle, your team as it were.
Conservatives don't do that sort of thing.
Only, they actually do.
  Conservatives, liberals, Communists, aetheists,all religions, clergymen, doctors, lawyers, candlestick makers, it can be anyone. There is no cut off point for people who feel entitled and who cannot control themselves and they are in all walks of life.
Ailes could well be innocent.
Carlson may well be telling the truth, fed up with things.
The fact is we don't know but the news headlines calling Carlson 'scum' and accusing her of trying to destroy Fox News are over the top .

There are very few women on this earth who have not experienced harassment of this kind or discrimination.  It is very real and prevalent.  Entire cultures are built on it.
It can be subtle or very overt and often very ugly and embarrassing.
Women don't often speak up because it is so easy for a guy to say, it was an accident or it's your imagination.
Only, it usually isn't.
The backlash to speaking out is also extremely real.

Let cooler heads prevail and decide it in open court.

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