18 April, 2017

Fukushima: China Syndrome

Fukushima is the nuke event without parallel. The event that keeps on giving and giving with no real end in sight.
Right now the mainstream media ignores the problems like the plague refusing to acknowledge that there is any problem at all.   Japan continues to follow that route as well despite scientists who warn that this is not over and will continue worsening.
Robots have been in use to search for the multiple molten cores that continue to show up but it is not bearing enough rewards to continue.

The Asian Times reports: " The robots are part of an unprecedented task, challenging engineers to come up with technology that doesn’t exist to deal with a nuclear disaster the likes of which has never been known."

Underground explosions continue  as the molten fuel melts deeper into the earth's core daily. It cannot be stopped by any known technology today and China Syndrome has occurred according to most US scientists.
 As I have reported before, no one knows how deep the fuel rods have gone into the earth beneath the reactors.  They do know it has become like lava from a volcano and flowing freely.

What is China Syndrome?
Wikipedia says :  the "China syndrome", a nuclear meltdown scenario so named for the fanciful idea that there would be nothing to stop the meltdown tunneling its way to the other side of the world ("China").

Only it is no longer 'fanciful" at all.    It is a very real thing and ongoing right now.

06 April, 2017

Trump: another phony

T rump is just another in a long line of toads who keep the USA in a permanent state of war like in the book "1984". That or he is gullible.
The USA has become the big bankers/ globalist elites' bitch.
Sorry if the language offends you but these wars offend me far more, so grow up.
These wars were planned long ago.
It's a disgrace to see Americans die for more lies.

04 April, 2017

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words

Pictures are often more eloquent than words.

Here is an interesting photo that accompanied an article   and video about  Swedish police trying with Keystone Cop ability to subdue a violent 'assylum' seeker.
The video of the 3 female and 1 male cop being tossed around by one person speaks volumes about Europe's inability to cope .