22 January, 2018

World IQ's

Orientals and Italians and ethnic Europeans in general top the world with the highest IQ's.

Hong Kong 108
Singapore 108
South Korea 106
Japan 105
China 105
Taiwan 104
Italy 102
Iceland 101
Mongolia 101
Switzerland 101
Austria 100
Luxembourg 100
Netherlands 100
Norway 100
UnitedKingdom 100
Belgium 99
Canada 99
Estonia 99
Germany 99
Poland 99
Sweden 99
Andorra 98
Australia 98
Czech Republic 98
Denmark 98
France 98
Hungary 98
Latvia 98
Spain 98
United States 98
Belarus 97
Malta 97
Russia 97
Ukraine 97
Moldova 96
Slovakia 96
Slovenia 96
Uruguay 96
Israel 95
Portugal 95
Armenia 94
Georgia 94
Kazakhstan 94
Romania 94
Vietnam 94
Argentina 93
Bulgaria 93
Greece 92
Ireland 92
Malaysia 92
Brunei 91
Cambodia 91
Cyprus 91
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 91
Lithuania 91


  1. So, its exactly a high IQ that matters, but what one does with it (Israel).

    1. Yes, what you do with it is what matters!
